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Great game, thanks.

Thanks for playing ! Nice gameplay! But you get stuck in level 3 :) I hope you can finish it some day Remember that there are a new PC version that includes MSX original version. Bitlogic for PC (Windows-Linux)

Thanks, I'll definitely play it again, I'm curious what will happen next :-)

Enjoy! Tell me any news about that or contact me for any subject.

That game makes wanna ask you for a flashback port to MSX, tks for the game and the awsome work.

(1 edit)

Thanks for your comment. I’m glad that you like Bitlogic. It was a work of four people. A team project. About Flashback port, It would be a great pleasure to do it. If you can find some awesome pixel artist (you maybe?), I will be an awesome MSX coder ^ _ ^ . MSX2 Video Graphics will be perfect for that port. I have a nice tool to create awesome sprites. Please take a look ^ _ ^

Hey I'm flattered, whish I had the skills or time for that, It would be amazing, but being in some MSX groups If I find someone up to the task I'll for sure remember that.

Awesome game Rafel ! Receive our sincere congrats. Best wishes !!

Thx so much for your post. I’m glad that you enjoy it.

Did you complete the game? ^_^ I hope you do it. Your brain gonna crash hehehe.

Enjoy and love videogames.

Thxs again.

I'm pretty impressed with this game. Kind of metroidvania game on such a limited hardware. Too bad there's no jumping but still the graphics are fabulous for MSX. The intro and the manual are top notch. Amazing Work. :)

Thx for your post. I’m glad that Bitlogic like you ^_^.

About no junping. It’s a gameplay design. I want to make a puzzle platform game where you must think where and when you must fall. When I design this make I have in mind three games: Phantomas 2, Flashback and StarQuake. In this last game, main character can jump. Another game without jump option and that it is a puzzle is Captain Toad, and I love it.

Follow me, cause soon, this summer, I release the PC version of Bitlogic, that a year ago was in Steam and Nintendo Switch avaliable.